Piero Stanig
Assistant Professor of Political Science – Bocconi University, Milan.
- Assistant Professor of Political Science, Bocconi University, Milan. September 2014- Present
- Research Scientist in Governance and Methodology, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin. July 2011-July 2014
- LSE Fellow in Public Policy and Political Science, Department of Government. London School of Economics. September 2010 – August 2011.
- LSE Fellow in Research Methodology, Methodology Institute. London School of Economics. September 2008 – August 2010.
- Research Fellow, Alexander Hamilton Center for Political Economy. New York University. August 2007 – August 2008.
- D. in Political Science. Columbia University. May 2009. Dissertation: Essays on Political Corruption and Media Freedom.Advisor: John Huber. Defense committee: Massimo Morelli, Alastair Smith, Michael Ting, Gregory Wawro.
- Phil. in Political Science. Columbia University. May 2005. Major field: Comparative Politics. Comprehensive exam passed with distinction. Minor field: Quantitative Methods. Paper: \Testing the Pooling Assumption in a Cross-Sectional Time Series Setting: A Proposal and an Assessment with Simulation Experiments.»
- A. in Political Science. Columbia University. May 2002. Laurea summa cum laude in Political Science. Universita degli Studi di Trieste. Trieste, Italia. October 2000. Thesis: L’etnonazionalismo basco: autonomia, violenza, sovranita. (Basque Ethnonationalism: Autonomy, Violence, Sovereignty) Supervisor: Vaclav Belohradsky.
- Global Competition and Brexit.» (with Italo Colantone) 2018. American Political Science Review 112(2): 201-218.
- The Trade Origins of Economic Nationalism: Import Competition and Voting Behavior in Western Europe.» (with Italo Colantone). 2018. American Journal of Political Science 62(4): 936-953.
- Considerations on the Method of Constructing Governance Indices.» 2018. In Governance Indicators: Approaches, Progress, Promise, Oxford University Press.
- Regulation of Speech and Media Coverage of Corruption: An Empirical Analysis of the Mexican Press.» 2015. American Journal of Political Science 59(1):175-193.
- Governance Indicators». 2014. In The Governance Report 2014: Public Administration, Performance, Capacity, Problem Solving, Innovation, Indicators, Oxford University Press.
- Political Polarization in Retrospective Economic Evaluations During Recessions and Recoveries.» 2013. Electoral Studies 32(4):729-745.
- Introducing a New Generation of Governance Indicators» (with Helmut Anheier and Mark Kayser). 2013. In The Governance Report 2013: Sovereignty, Fiscal Policy, Innovations, Trade-Offs, Indicators, Oxford University Press
- Governance Beyond the Nation-state: Estimating Governance Indexes at the Subnational and Trans-national Level». 2013 In Governance Challenges and Innovations: Financial and Fiscal Governance, Oxford University Press.
- Measuring Governance: A Proposal» (with Mark Kayser). 2013. In Governance Challenges and Innovations: Financial and Fiscal Governance, Oxford University Press.
- Church-State Separation and Redistribution» (with John Huber). 2011. Journal of Public Economics 95(7-8):828-836. Working papers
- Group Membership, Structural Inequality, and Preferences for Redistribution.» (with Paolo Belardinelli). Under review.
- The Effects of Global Competition on Attitudes in Western Europe.» (with Italo Colantone).
- We Were the Robots: Automation and Voting Behavior in Western Europe.» (with Massimo Anelli and Italo Colantone)
- Sowing the Mafia.» (with Paolo Pinotti)
Writing in the press and reviews
- Italy Just Voted for Two Very Diferent Kinds of Populism.» (with Massimo Anelli, reviews Italo Colantone, and Massimo Pulejo). The Monkey Cage, Washington Post, March 28, 2018.
- Globalisation and Economic Nationalism.» (with Italo Colantone). voxeu.org
- Globalization and Brexit.» (with Italo Colantone). voxeu.org
- The Real Reason the U.K. Voted For Brexit? Jobs Lost to Chinese Competition.» (with Italo Colantone). The Monkey Cage, Washington Post, July 7, 2016. Book Review:
- The Political Economy of Public Sector Governance» by Anthony M. Bertelli. 2014. Perspectives on Politics 12(1): 233-234.
- Seven Out of Every Ten Muslims in Indonesia Want Shariah { Really?» (with Naila Shoa). The Jakarta Globe, May 10, 2013. Grants
- Bocconi Young Researchers» seed grant (for \Sowing the Mafia» with Paolo Pinotti).
- Baffi-CAREFIN seed grant (for \Sowing the Mafia» with Paolo Pinotti).
- PRIN (co-investigator): \Bad Seeds: The Transplantation and Diffusion of Criminal Organizations.» (PI: Jerome Adda).
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