Cecilio Madero Villarejo
Director General Adjunto – Dirección General de Competencia de la Comisión Europea desde 2011
Muy ligado siempre a las instituciones europeas con una experiencia de 25 años en las políticas de competencia europea.
After working for 5 years at Banco Bilbao (BB) in Spain, he joined the European Commission (DG Competition) in 1987.
As a case-handler, he dealt with the adjustment of state monopolies and the internal energy market. In 1995, he was appointed Head of Unit dealing with State aid in the textile, papers, chemical, pharmaceutical, electronic industry, mechanical engineering and other manufacturing sectors. Between 1999 and 2006, he was Head of Unit in charge of Information Industries, Internet and Consumer Electronics. In October 2006, he was appointed Director for Services, followed by his appointment as Director for Information, Communication and Media of DG Competition in August 2007. He became Acting Deputy Director General for Mergers and Antitrust. In May 2011, he was appointed Deputy Director General for Antitrust and Cartels of DG Competition. Since then, he supervises the work of DG COMP on this key part of its activity.
His experience with the Commission spans 29 years during which his career has been heavily focused on European competition policy.
Link a su página en European Commission: Deputy Director-General Cecilio Madero Villarejo | European Commission (europa.eu)