Gómez Bengoechea, Gonzalo

Gómez Bengoechea, Gonzalo

Gonzalo Gómez Bengoechea

Director del departamento de Economía  – UNIVERSIDAD PONTIFICIA DE COMILLAS ICAI – ICADE

El Profesor Gonzalo Gómez Bengoechea se formó como economista en la Universidad Pontificia Comillas (PhD y estudios de grado), en IESE Business School (Research Assistant) y en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Msc. in Economics). Su docencia e investigación giran en torno a la Economía Internacional, al Análisis de Coyuntura y al estudio de la incidencia de la política fiscal sobre la distribución de renta. En el año 2019 realizó una estancia de investigación en el Center for Interamerican Policy and Research de la Universidad de Tulane.

Relevant Research and Scientific Results:

  • “The impact of the COVID crisis on income distribution under different protection schemes”. Forthcoming in Public Sector Economics. December 2021.
  • “Institutional quality and the financial inclusion-poverty alleviation link: Empirical evidence across countries”. Forthcoming in Borsa Istanbul Review. March 2021. Access:
  • “Reducing Trade Inequality: A Network-Based Assessment”. Complexity. Volume 2020 |Article ID 1593215. Open Access Journal. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/1593215.
  • “Fiscal union, monetary policy normalization and populism in the Eurozone”. European Review 28.1, 2020.
  • “The importance of being earnest: Determinants of sovereign spreads in the Eurozone”. Journal of Financial Economic Policy, Vol. 11 No. 1, pp. 121-138.
  • “The Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure: A useful tool for predicting sovereign crises?”. Estudios de Economía, 45(1), 79-111.
  • “Populism, inflation and debt mutualisation in the Eurozone”. Elcano Royal Institute. ARI 45/2018 – 5/4/2018
  • “The institutional crisis of the Eurozone: Birth, evolution and policy reaction”. Revista ICADE. Number 96, December 2015.
  • “The euro crisis: genesis, contagion and future scenarios”, with Arahuetes. A. Comillas Journal of International Relations. Number 4, 2015, pages 1 – 40.
  • “Black economy in Spain: Theoretical approaches and structural evolution”.
  • “XVII FTF: Unemployment in advanced economies”. Bankinter Foundation. May 2013.

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Gonzalo Gómez Bengoechea.